The Neuroscience of Pleasure and Love
Is the brain chemistry behind our love for chocolate equivalent to that which drives infatuation with a new lover, the love of a particular song, or addiction? How does the brain sort out pleasure and discomfort? What drives our decisions to stay with one person for life or go from one lover to another, never settling down?
At this special Valentine’s Day event, Dr. Larry Sherman, neuroscientist at OHSU, will focus on these and other questions that reveal much about how neurochemical changes can have major effects on our behaviors—how we love, what we love, and who we love.
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Event Date
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Start Time
7:00 pm Pacific
Available Food & Drink
Beer, wine, popcorn, pizza slices, and snacks available. -
Accessibility Information
Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required.