What We Do

Amanda Thomas, Mistress of Ceremonies, hosting an event at the Bagdad Theater

What We Do and Why We Do It

Learning about science is not just for kids. Adults like to learn – indeed, continued learning has been proven to create new brain cells and neurological pathways that help stave off neurological degeneration. Make You Think Inc. creates events and interesting ways to continue education in settings conducive to relaxed and mature conversation. Oh, and beer.*

Who Should Attend?

Anyone! Our events are appealing and accessible to a wide range of people, and we feel we’ve been pretty successful. Hardcore nerds come ready to take notes; Meetup.com groups come as a social outing; people come on first dates (aren’t they cute!); adults bring their visiting parents; college students come for extra credit; regular folk that just want to keep their brains sharp or have a personal interest in that week’s topic.

Who comes to these events? It’s easier to ask who doesn’t. Our events usually involve beer, sometimes ‘when you’re older’ topics, and adult humor. Older kids (high school and above) we’ll let you judge (and accompany if under 21), but please leave the little ones at home.

*Why beer? One reason is because of methylates, which turns on some genes and turns off others improving your epigenetic makeup. Coffee and leafy greens do this too. Variety and moderation is recommended.