As the Crow Flies: Corvid Behavior, Play, and Funerals — Now on Zoom!
UPDATE JULY 9: This event scheduled for Saturday, August 8 will NOT be happening in person at the Aladdin Theater, but we WILL be hosting the event live on Zoom!
New event info:
Same Date & Time: Saturday, August 8 at 7:00pm Pacific
Tickets: $10 per Zoom registration, sign up here! (Tickets processed through Zoom and PayPal.)
Tickets for the Aladdin event will NOT transfer to the online event and you MUST register through Zoom. See FAQ below for details.
Event Description: Crows are everywhere: they are found on nearly every continent and thrive in human dominated environments. They have influenced art and literature throughout history, and whether they inspire love or hate, they have certainly impacted the hearts and minds of the humans who share their space. Because crows are so common, it may be easy to overlook the fact that they are very intelligent and have complex behaviors and social structures, including play, tool use, communal roosting, and being able to recognize specific humans.
Kaeli Swift, PhD, studies crows and other corvids (ravens, jays, and magpies), and will introduce and explain to us the world of these fascinating birds, including, of course, crow funerals. You can find Dr. Swift on Twitter and Instagram @corvidresearch where she talks about crows, corvids, and other wildlife and plays a weekly game called #CrowOrNo to help people learn how to correctly ID and distinguish different kinds of corvids.
Q: What if I already have tickets to the event at the Aladdin? Will those tickets transfer to the new Zoom event?
A: Unfortunately, NO. Due to challenges with Eventbrite ticket processing we will NOT be able to transfer already purchased tickets to the new Zoom event. (Trust us, we tried to figure out a way.) The theater will be sending out an email to all current ticket holders with instructions for how to get a refund, or feel free to contact the Aladdin Theater directly. You will then need to go to the Zoom link and re-purchase a new registration for the online event. It’s a clunky process, but it’s the best we have.
Q: Can I buy tickets to the Zoom event if I did NOT have tickets before?
A: YES! This live Zoom event is open to anyone with a Zoom account and an internet connection worldwide.
Q: Can I watch this live event on Facebook Live or YouTube Live?
A: NO. The live event will ONLY be viewable through Zoom.
Q: Can I watch a recording of this event afterward?
A: YES! However the recording will ONLY be available to our Patreon supporters (minimum $5).
Q: Can I ask questions during the live event?
A: YES! All questions asked in the Zoom chat and Q&A will be forwarded through to our moderator and she’ll ask as many as possible as time permits.
Q: Will this event sell out?
A: We have no idea! We can set the Zoom webinar capacity up to 1,000 registrations, but there are 600 people who had tickets to this in-person event on August 8 who may want to watch on Zoom. Granted, many of them will only need one registration for a household instead of two or more individual tickets. However, we’ve sold this event out five times already and there is still a HUGE demand for tickets, and this is now available to anyone worldwide. TL;DR register for the Zoom event NOW.
Q: Your other events are free. Why are you charging for this one?
A: Because our other events are free and we want to keep them that way. People have been VERY generous with donations but those donations have slowed down, and we can’t continue without revenue. Also, we want to pay our speaker! We hope that $10 will be affordable enough for most people, though write to us at info@ScienceOnTapORWA.org if that’s still a hardship for you.
Q: I bought a ticket to the Aladdin event from someone else. Can I still get a refund?
A: Unfortunately not from us. Refunds are only available through Eventbrite and they are only issued to the original purchaser.
Event Date
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Start Time
7:00 pm Pacific
End Time
8:30 pm Pacific
get tickets -
This event will take place in a Zoom Webinar. Attendees will be able to participate in the chat and submit questions for the live online Q&A with the speaker.
Attendees will not be visible or audible during the event.
Register for Zoom event. -
Available Food & Drink
Grab an (adult) beverage of your choice and join us!