I’m On the Front Lines of COVID-19: Ask Me Anything (Part 2)
Here’s another chance to ask more COVID-19 questions and get answers from experts in public health and emergency medicine! This is a follow-up to our event held on August 27 and will once again be dedicated entirely to Q&A. The audience will be invited to ask questions about the current Coronavirus pandemic and get answers in real time.
Joining us for a second time, our experts are:
Maayan Simckes, PhD, MPH is an epidemiologist at Washington State Department of Health. She has been in COVID-19 Incident Management Team since January in a range of roles related to case and contact investigations. She also oversees training for all case and contact investigators working with Department of Health.
Guy Shochat, MD is a Professor and emergency care physician at the University of California San Francisco. His areas of special interest include managing emergency conditions that affect the airways and his research includes gathering data on emergency intubation. He also manages the electronic health record for the UCSF emergency department.
Questions can be submitted in advance by emailing info@scienceontaporwa.org — please use the subject “COVID Question.” Questions can also be submitted live during the event through text chat in Zoom and on Facebook, and the Q&A will be moderated by our host.
Statements during the event by Dr. Simckes and Dr. Shochat are based on their own views and experiences. Their comments do not represent the views of their respective agencies.
Event Date
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Start Time
7:00 pm Pacific
End Time
8:30 pm Pacific
This event will take place in a Zoom Webinar. Attendees will be able to participate in the chat and submit questions for the live online Q&A with the speaker.
Attendees will not be visible or audible during the event.
Register for Zoom event. -
Available Food & Drink
Grab an (adult) beverage of your choice and join us!