Aroused: The History of Hormones and How They Control Just About Everything

Metabolism, behavior, sleep, mood swings, the immune system, fighting, fleeing, puberty, and sex: these are just a few of the things our bodies control with hormones. Armed with a healthy dose of wit and curiosity, Dr. Randi Hutter Epsteintakes us on a journey through the unusual history of these potent chemicals and their discovery, from the London laboratory where the concept of hormones was identified to a basement filled with jarred brains to a canine sex lab. We meet leading scientists who made life-changing discoveries about the hormone imbalances that ail us, as well as charlatans who used those discoveries to peddle false remedies. Along the way, Epstein examines the functions of hormones such as leptin, oxytocin, estrogen, and testosterone, demystifying the science of endocrinology.

A fascinating exploration of the history and science of one of medicine’s most important discoveries, Aroused: The History of Hormones and How They Control Just About Everything reveals how hormones can both push us to the edge and reel us back. Randi Hutter Epstein, M.D., M.P.H., the author of Get Me Out is an adjunct professor at Columbia University and a lecturer at Yale University. Her writing has appeared in the New York Times and the Psychology Today blog, among other publications.

  • Event Date

    Tuesday, July 31, 2018

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Hand pies & pizza rolls, snacks, sweets, with a a full bar and a great selection non-alcoholic drinks, coffee and tea.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required. Visit the Alberta Rose COVID safety policies page for more information.

    There are no stairs to enter the theater. There is ramp down to seating area and wheelchair space in the front.

Inventive Connections: Movie Stars, Math, & Marine Mammals

Movie stars are adored by the public, but often just for their looks and talents on the silver screen. Actress Hedy Lamarr was once known as “the most beautiful woman in the world,” but was also an inventor. She and a colleague designed radio-skipping technology to help the US Navy guide torpedoes more effectively during WWII, but her invention was ignored for decades until it was revisited and used as part of the foundation for wifi, GPS, and cellphones. She and many other women have contributed to the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, but have been dismissed or deliberately forgotten by virtue of their gender. The contributions of these women play an integral role in our everyday lives and in that of scientists around the world, but their work is often forgotten.

At this Science on Tap, Leslie New, PhD, assistant professor of statistics at WSU Vancouver, will celebrate the unique life and mathematical accomplishments of Ms. Lamarr. In a satisfying twist, Dr. New will also describe how Ms. Lamarr’s work on wireless technologies, originally intended for the Navy, currently helps her study and protect marine mammals such as whales and dolphins.

  • Event Date

    Tuesday, August 21, 2018

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Hand pies & pizza rolls, snacks, sweets, with a a full bar and a great selection non-alcoholic drinks, coffee and tea.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required. Visit the Alberta Rose COVID safety policies page for more information.

    There are no stairs to enter the theater. There is ramp down to seating area and wheelchair space in the front.

Timefulness: How Thinking Like a Geologist Can Help Save the World

Few of us have any conception of the enormous timescales in our planet’s long history, and this narrow perspective underlies many of the environmental problems we are creating for ourselves. The passage of nine days, which is how long a drop of water typically stays in Earth’s atmosphere, is something we can easily grasp. But spans of hundreds of years—the time a molecule of carbon dioxide resides in the atmosphere—approach the limits of our comprehension. Our everyday lives are shaped by processes that vastly predate us, and our habits will in turn have consequences that will outlast us by generations.

At this Science on Tap, Marcia Bjornerud, PhD, will talk about her new book Timefulness and will present a new way of thinking about our place in time that will enable us to make decisions on multigenerational timescales. Knowing the rhythms of Earth’s deep past and conceiving of time as a geologist does can give us the perspective we need for a more sustainable future.

Dr. Bjornerud is a professor of geology and environmental studies at Lawrence University, the author of Reading the Rocks: The Autobiography of the Earth, and a contributing writer for Elements, the New Yorker’s science and technology blog.

  • Event Date

    Tuesday, September 18, 2018

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Hand pies & pizza rolls, snacks, sweets, with a a full bar and a great selection non-alcoholic drinks, coffee and tea.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required. Visit the Alberta Rose COVID safety policies page for more information.

    There are no stairs to enter the theater. There is ramp down to seating area and wheelchair space in the front.

Einstein’s Monsters: The Life and Times of Black Holes

We think we know black holes. They’ve become a fixture of our pop cultural conception of outer space, from Star Trek to Interstellar. But the reality of black holes is just as wonderful and strange as anything a science fiction writer could dream up. Black holes are the most extreme objects in the universe, yet every galaxy harbors a black hole at its center. This profound discovery to inspires questions at the cutting edge of cosmology, such as: Which came first, the galaxy or its central black hole? What happens if you travel into a black hole?

At this Science on Tap, Dr. Chris Impey will talk about his new book Einstein’s Monsters, which presents the astonishing science of black holes and their role in understanding the history and future of our universe. Come hear an epic story of black holes, from their explosive births as dying stars to their slow deaths by evaporation, and a very human story of our drive to understand the universe, our place in it, and how it all began.

Chris Impey, PhD, is a distinguished professor in the Department of Astronomy at the University of Arizona and the critically acclaimed author of BeyondHow It Began, and How It Ends, as well as two astronomy textbooks.

This event is sponsored by:

  • Event Date

    Wednesday, November 14, 2018

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Beer, wine, popcorn, pizza slices, and snacks available.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required.

As the Crow Flies: Corvid Behavior, Play, and Funerals

Crows are everywhere: they are found on nearly every continent and thrive in human dominated environments. They have influenced art and literature throughout history, and whether they inspire love or hate, they have certainly impacted the hearts and minds of the humans who share their space.

Because crows are so common, it may be easy to overlook the fact that they are very intelligent and have complex behaviors and social structures, including play, tool use, communal roosting, and being able to recognize specific humans. Kaeli Swift, PhD, studies crows and other corvids (ravens, jays, and magpies), and will introduce and explain to us the world of these fascinating birds, including, of course, crow funerals.

You can find Dr. Swift on Twitter and Instagram @corvidresearch where she talks about crows, corvids, and other wildlife and plays a weekly game called #CrowOrNo to help people learn how to correctly ID and distinguish different kinds of corvids.

This event is sponsored by:

  • Event Date

    Wednesday, January 9, 2019

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Beer, wine, popcorn, pizza slices, and snacks available.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required.

Cataclysms on the Columbia: The Great Missoula Floods

One of the greatest sets of geological events to ever have occurred in North America was the Missoula Floods. Occurring as many as 40 times during the last ice age, the floods were caused by waters released from ancient Lake Missoula that scoured the Columbia River basin, carved out the Columbia River Gorge, and swept across at least 16,000 square miles of the Pacific Northwest.

At this Science on Tap, Dr. Scott Burns, professor of geology and past chair of the Department of Geology at PSU, will focus on the incredible story of discovery and development of the idea of the floods by J Harlen Bretz and will discuss the effect of the floods on the landscape of the Willamette Valley and the area around us.

  • Event Date

    Tuesday, January 22, 2019

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Hand pies & pizza rolls, snacks, sweets, with a a full bar and a great selection non-alcoholic drinks, coffee and tea.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required. Visit the Alberta Rose COVID safety policies page for more information.

    There are no stairs to enter the theater. There is ramp down to seating area and wheelchair space in the front.

Sex, Relationships, and Technology

Technology continues to change and shape the ways we live…and love. Everything from online dating and sexting, to internet-ready sex toys and real dolls; all continue to shift the rules of relationships. What can science tell us about love and lust in the age of the internet? Websites full of potential dates can be overwhelming, but can science help us make better choices? How have different technologies affected our sexuality and how we fall in love? Can a person fall in love with someone online? With a robot? How has “sex-tech” altered our view of intimacy?

At this special Valentine’s Day edition of Science on Tap, Dr. L. Kris Gowen, sexuality educator, co-founder of Beyond the Talk, a sex education consulting group, and author of Sexual Decisions: The Ultimate Teen Guide, will talk about how technology is rewriting the rules of sex and romance, and how the science of love is struggling to keep up.

This event is sponsored by:

  • Event Date

    Wednesday, February 13, 2019

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Beer, wine, popcorn, pizza slices, and snacks available.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required.

The Human Holobiont: What Fecal Transplant and other Microbial Science is Teaching Us about Being Human

Over the past several decades, we have gained immense insight into the world of the human microbiome. The observations made using techniques like Fecal Microbiota Transplant and microbial sequencing are contributing to a new paradigm of what it means to be human. We now know we are not alone in our own bodies. We have a compilation of trillions of microbes living in and on us. They are working together with our cells as a complex ecosystem, one that defines us as a holobiont. Through the lens of the human microbiome we are challenged to approach health like we do ecology. We can begin to think about how every choice we make is interfacing with this ecosystems.

At this Science on Tap, come get gutsy with Andrea McBeth, Naturopathic Doctor and founder of Flora Medicine.  Dr McBeth first studied Biochemistry and Biology at the University of San Diego and then worked as a research assistant in molecular biology and biomedical engineering at OHSU. Shifting her focus to naturopathic medicine in order to help people in a more tangible way, Dr McBeth graduated from NUNM to empower and advocate for us holobionts.

  • Event Date

    Tuesday, February 19, 2019

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Hand pies & pizza rolls, snacks, sweets, with a a full bar and a great selection non-alcoholic drinks, coffee and tea.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required. Visit the Alberta Rose COVID safety policies page for more information.

    There are no stairs to enter the theater. There is ramp down to seating area and wheelchair space in the front.

The Role of Cannabis in the Opioid Crisis

In collaboration with WSU’s Brain Awareness Week! 

Cannabis has been used for centuries to relieve pain, and it is a less dangerous alternative to pain-relieving opioids. Mounting evidence also suggests that cannabis could help people who are recovering from opioid dependence. Once demonized as the “gateway drug,” cannabis could actually be the “exit drug” from opioid addiction. 

Adie Wilson-Poe, Ph.D. is a neuroscientist who studies the pain-relieving properties of opioids and cannabinoids, and how cannabis can diminish the negative side effects of opioids. Her long-term goal is to characterize the harm-reduction potential of cannabis in the opioid overdose epidemic. Dr. Wilson-Poe is also the co-founder of Habu Health, a consumer research group that studies the effects of adult-use cannabis.

This event is sponsored by:

  • Event Date

    Wednesday, March 13, 2019

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Beer, wine, popcorn, pizza slices, and snacks available.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required.

Mama’s Last Hug: Animal Emotions and What They Tell Us about Ourselves

New York Times best-selling author and primatologist Frans de Waal explores the fascinating world of animal and human emotions in his new book Mama’s Last Hug. It opens with the dramatic farewell between Mama, a dying fifty-nine-year-old chimpanzee matriarch, and biologist Jan Van Hooff. This heartfelt final meeting of two longtime friends, widely shared as a video, offers a window into how deep and instantly recognizable these bonds can be. So begins Frans de Waal’s whirlwind tour of new ideas and findings about animal emotions, based on his renowned studies of the social and emotional lives of chimpanzees, bonobos, and other primates.

At this special Science on Tap, join us for De Waal’s discussion of facial expressions, animal sentience and consciousness, Mama’s life and death, the emotional side of human politics, and the illusion of free will. Learn how he distinguishes between emotions and feelings, all the while emphasizing the continuity between our species and other species. Hear about his radical proposal that emotions are like organs: we don’t have a single organ that other animals don’t have, and the same is true for our emotions.

Frans de Waal has been named one of Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People. The author of Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are?, among many other works, he is the C. H. Candler Professor in Emory University’s Psychology Department and director of the Living Links Center at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center. He lives in Atlanta, Georgia.

What is Happening This Week in Science? Find out with TWIS!

What IS happening this week in science??? It’s often hard to keep up with the pace of new discoveries. But, that’s where the This Week in Science (TWIS) podcast comes in! Prepare to laugh and learn while TWIS, the longest running, woman-run science podcast, entertains you with SCIENCE!

This Week in Science (TWIS) is a weekly web and radio talk-show presenting a humorous, often opinionated, and irreverent look at the week in science and technology. In each show, the hosts, Dr. Kiki Sanford (a neuroscientist), Justin Jackson (a car-salesman turned geneticist), and Blair Bazdarich (the zoologist), discuss the latest in cutting-edge science news on topics such as: genetic engineering, stem cells, human evolution, climate change, space exploration, neuroscience, microbiology, and show favorites – Countdown to World Robot Domination and Blair’s Animal Corner. 

Feed your curiosity about the world, and join the TWIS crew for this very special LIVE broadcast from the Alberta Rose Theater where we will be joined by nerdy musical guests, The PDX Broadsides! If you enjoy music by Jonathan Coulton, Ingrid Michaelson, Magnetic Zeroes, Karen Kilgariff, The Finches, Paul and Storm, and Barenaked Ladies, you are going to love the PDX Broadsides.

It will be a night of science, music, and fun… don’t miss out!

This Science on Tap event is brought to you in partnership with Science Talk, a local organization dedicated to improving science communication and engagement.

  • Event Date

    Wednesday, April 3, 2019

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Hand pies & pizza rolls, snacks, sweets, with a a full bar and a great selection non-alcoholic drinks, coffee and tea.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required. Visit the Alberta Rose COVID safety policies page for more information.

    There are no stairs to enter the theater. There is ramp down to seating area and wheelchair space in the front.

Science is Stranger than Fiction: Death and the Afterlife

Humanity’s fascination with death and the supernatural has influenced science for centuries. The desire to overcome death and understand the strange and unusual of the human condition has inspired many scientists throughout history, particularly within the fields of anatomy and medicine.

At this Science on Tap, Leslie New, PhD, assistant professor of statistics at WSU Vancouver, will take us on a tour of some of the weirdest specimens from museum collections in the western world and describe how scientists through the centuries have tried to understand death and the afterlife.

Not for the squeamish, join us for a walk through the more macabre corners of science as we celebrate Leonardo da Vinci’s 567th birthday!

  • Event Date

    Tuesday, April 16, 2019

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Hand pies & pizza rolls, snacks, sweets, with a a full bar and a great selection non-alcoholic drinks, coffee and tea.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required. Visit the Alberta Rose COVID safety policies page for more information.

    There are no stairs to enter the theater. There is ramp down to seating area and wheelchair space in the front.

The Lives of Bees: The Untold Story of the Honey Bee in the Wild

Humans have kept honey bees in hives for millennia, yet only in recent decades have biologists begun to investigate how these industrious insects live in the wild. The Lives of Bees is Thomas Seeley’s captivating story of what scientists are learning about the behavior, social life, and survival strategies of honey bees living outside the beekeeper’s hive—and how wild honey bees may hold the key to reversing the alarming die-off of the planet’s managed honey bee populations.

Seeley presents an entirely new approach to beekeeping—Darwinian Beekeeping—which enables honey bees to use the toolkit of survival skills their species has acquired over the past thirty million years, and to evolve solutions to the new challenges they face today. He shows beekeepers how to use the principles of natural selection to guide their practices, and he offers a new vision of how beekeeping can better align with the natural habits of honey bees.

Dr Thomas D. Seeley is the Horace White Professor in Biology at Cornell University. He is the author of Following the Wild BeesHoneybee Democracy, and Honeybee Ecology as well as The Wisdom of the Hive.

  • Event Date

    Wednesday, May 15, 2019

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Hand pies & pizza rolls, snacks, sweets, with a a full bar and a great selection non-alcoholic drinks, coffee and tea.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required. Visit the Alberta Rose COVID safety policies page for more information.

    There are no stairs to enter the theater. There is ramp down to seating area and wheelchair space in the front.

Sea Turtles: Mysteries of the Ocean

Sea turtles are magnificent creatures that have survived 100 million years of evolution and are critical to the health of the ocean ecosystem. Despite more than 50 years of research and recent advances in technology, scientists have only begun to understand these animals who spend the majority of their lives at sea and can travel thousands of miles every year. Human activities are threatening sea turtles with extinction through things such as habitat destruction and climate change, but scientists and concerned volunteers are helping bring them back.  

At this Science on Tap, Brad Nahill, President of SEE Turtles and a co-author of the Worldwide Travel Guide to Sea Turtles will talk about innovative research efforts, emerging threats to these animals, and his team’s education and conservation efforts around the world. Their efforts have helped save more than 2 million endangered hatchlings, launched a worldwide effort to end demand for tortoiseshell products, and have generated more than $1 million for conservation and coastal communities, resulting in the organization being named a finalist for the World Travel and Tourism Council’s Changemakers Award. Join us to learn why sea turtles are important, how people are working to save them, and ways that you can join in the efforts to protect these graceful animals. 

This event is sponsored by:

  • Event Date

    Wednesday, May 8, 2019

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Beer, wine, popcorn, pizza slices, and snacks available.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required.

Fire-Bending: Coffee Roasting and its Effect on the Bean

The flames roaring, the ever-changing smells, the rhythmic sounds of the movement of the beans within the metal dragon. Inside, coffee beans are loosing water content, amino acids are catalyzing reactions with monosaccharides, oligosaccharides are undergoing caramelization, organic acids are breaking down while others are forming from the breakdown of these carbohydrates while developing pressures that can exceed 300 psi. At the end of the day, 300 volatile aromatics are transformed into over 1000. This craft, so often pictured in the artisanal idyllic is blending of science, art, and craft: bending fire to transform raw coffee into roasted beans.  

In this session, Rob Hoos, author and Director of Coffee at Nossa Familia, will introduce us to the world of coffee roasting, as well as dive into some of the science that underpins and guides the profession of a coffee roaster. Looking at the process from start to finish, we will come to understand the basic design, chemistry, and thermodynamics of the process as well as dive into current research on the manipulation of flavor development during coffee roasting. 

This event is sponsored by:

  • Event Date

    Wednesday, June 12, 2019

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Beer, wine, popcorn, pizza slices, and snacks available.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required.

The Science of Adult Attachment: Understanding our Patterns in Relationships

We all have an attachment style that impacts how we behave and feel in romantic relationships.  Though attachment styles are formed during childhood, awareness of our attachment style and tendencies can support the development of a healthy relationship through adulthood.  At this Science on Tap, Leah Haas, a mental health provider and sex educator, will discuss the origins of each attachment style and the behaviors associated with them so participants can walk away with ideas to make their romantic relationship more secure and satisfying.  

Leah Haas has a Master of Social Work (MSW) and is a Clinical Social Work Associate (CSWA), providing mental health therapy on sexuality and gender related topics.  She is also a sex educator for the State of Oregon and co-founder of Beyond the Talk, an organization that supports sexual health for adults.

  • Event Date

    Tuesday, June 18, 2019

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Hand pies & pizza rolls, snacks, sweets, with a a full bar and a great selection non-alcoholic drinks, coffee and tea.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required. Visit the Alberta Rose COVID safety policies page for more information.

    There are no stairs to enter the theater. There is ramp down to seating area and wheelchair space in the front.

Living in Earthquake Country: What Can the Pacific NW Learn from Recent Quakes

The Pacific Northwest is due for a major earthquake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone, and a magnitude 9 Cascadia earthquake and tsunami would likely produce an unprecedented catastrophe much larger than any disaster the pacific northwest, or the nation, has ever faced. Vancouver isn’t ready, and significant preparation is needed to safeguard communities, businesses, and people. There are lessons to be learned from several recent earthquakes around the world including Chile, Japan, New Zealand, and Mexico. At this Science on Tap, Allison Pyrch, a local geotechnical engineer, will discuss SW Washington’s earthquake setting, what similar quakes can tell us about what to expect from a Cascadia earthquake, and how the Pacific Northwest is preparing for “the really big one.

Allison Pyrch is a geotechnical engineer whose experience includes site specific seismic design for buildings, roads, bridges, dock and port structures, large embankments, slopes and landslides, and water and wastewater infrastructure. Recognized as American Society of Civil Engineer’s 2018 Oregon/SW Washington Engineer of the Year, she has travelled to Chile, Japan, and Mexico after their recent subduction zone earthquakes and tsunamis to study the effects on lifelines.  Allison was also featured prominently in the awards-winning OPB documentary Unprepared, as well as the Al Jazeera program TechKnow.

This event is sponsored by:

  • Event Date

    Wednesday, July 10, 2019

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Beer, wine, popcorn, pizza slices, and snacks available.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required.

SOLD OUT: As the Crow Flies: Corvid Behavior, Play, and Funerals

Crows are everywhere: they are found on nearly every continent and thrive in human dominated environments. They have influenced art and literature throughout history, and whether they inspire love or hate, they have certainly impacted the hearts and minds of the humans who share their space.

Because crows are so common, it may be easy to overlook the fact that they are very intelligent and have complex behaviors and social structures, including play, tool use, communal roosting, and being able to recognize specific humans. Kaeli Swift, PhD, studies crows and other corvids (ravens, jays, and magpies), and will introduce and explain to us the world of these fascinating birds, including, of course, crow funerals.

You can find Dr. Swift on Twitter and Instagram @corvidresearch where she talks about crows, corvids, and other wildlife and plays a weekly game called #CrowOrNo to help people learn how to correctly ID and distinguish different kinds of corvids.

  • Event Date

    Tuesday, July 16, 2019

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Hand pies & pizza rolls, snacks, sweets, with a a full bar and a great selection non-alcoholic drinks, coffee and tea.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required. Visit the Alberta Rose COVID safety policies page for more information.

    There are no stairs to enter the theater. There is ramp down to seating area and wheelchair space in the front.

X-Ray Imaging in Plant Biology: Seeing the Unseen

We’re all familiar with how X-rays allow doctors to get detailed views inside their patients to find out what’s going on without having to actually cut people open. Scientists can also use x-rays to look inside plants to study things like disease resistance, drought tolerance, and advanced breeding technologies without having to cut open or damage the plants. Using this non-destructive imaging technology we can see the unseen, such as ears and tassels of corn as they develop inside the stalk, roots as they grow in the soil, or flowers and buds as they develop into fruits or grains. 

At this Science on Tap we’ll be joined by Keith Duncan, research scientist at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis, the largest independent non-profit plant science institute in the world. He’ll talk about how x-ray imaging is a great benefit to plant science research, and can help us to find safe, effective, and sustainable ways to grow plants using fewer inputs like water, fertilizers, and pesticides. That will help us feed the expected 8 billion humans that will inhabit the earth by 2030, and do so with declining arable land and limited available water. Remember, plant science research is only important if you want to eat, drink, wear clothes, have medicines, or breathe oxygen; other than that it’s not important.

  • Event Date

    Thursday, August 8, 2019

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Hand pies & pizza rolls, snacks, sweets, with a a full bar and a great selection non-alcoholic drinks, coffee and tea.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required. Visit the Alberta Rose COVID safety policies page for more information.

    There are no stairs to enter the theater. There is ramp down to seating area and wheelchair space in the front.

The Science of Gender

Mention the word gender, and everyone has an opinion.  We have been taught that gender is a social construct that determines behavior based on sexual anatomy.  Biology focuses on the 23rdpair of chromosomes as if there is no variation in the XX/XY function.  It all seems so simple, until we learn that it isn’t.

In this special Science on Tap, you will hear from both Dr Jena Lopez and Linden G. Jordan that chromosomes can vary widely with variations in results and why it is not useful to speak of sex and gender as the same entities.  Sharing about fetal development and the many variations that occur that directly impact one’s anatomy and one’s sense of self where gender is concerned, this discussion will give new meaning to the words gender, transgender, gender fluid, intersex and queer.

Jena Lopez M.D. is a Board-Certified Emergency Physician, currently practicing in the Pacific Northwest.  She started the Northwest Trans Youth Clinic, where she helps people hormonally transition so their bodies can be in alignment with their gender identity. Prior to opening the clinic, she spent three years learning by attending conferences and working with experts in the field, such as Johanna Olsen-Kennedy MD (at CHLA) and Keven Hatfield MD (at Polyclinic in Seattle). Dr. Lopez is also a member of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health.  She has presented to numerous healthcare professionals on transgender health, in an effort to create awareness and help educate the healthcare community on how to better serve this population.

Linden G. Jordan, MA, JD has worked as an attorney, a mental health counselor and a professor in his career spanning 34 years.  When he retired, rather than taking up golf or going around the world, he transitioned from his assigned birth gender of female to male.  His lived experience will add meaning to the discussion about the Science of Gender. He is currently a board member of PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) where he is on the Speakers Bureau. He lives in the little town of Marblemount with his partner, three dogs and several chickens.

This event is sponsored by:

  • Event Date

    Wednesday, August 14, 2019

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Beer, wine, popcorn, pizza slices, and snacks available.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required.

Making Memories: Can Neuroscience Enhance Teaching and Learning?

How does your brain learn best? As the field of Neuroscience uncovers the neural mechanisms of perception and learning, can we begin to bring these findings into the classroom to help improve how students learn? Right before the school year begins, this Science on Tap will discuss the brain’s learning networks, their emotional connections and how the visual and motor pathways influence what we process. Join us as Dr. Mark Pitzer demonstrates of how each brain circuit can be recruited by instructors to improve teaching and learning in and out of the classroom and how neuroscience can make learning truly memorable. 

Mark Pitzer, Ph.D. is a Neuroscientist at the University of Portland. For the last 25 years he has worked to better understand diseases of the brain. He has worked on techniques to improve the survival of newly transplanted brain cells as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease and, more recently, conducted experiments using a genetic technique to halt the production of toxic proteins in the brain as a potential treatment for Huntington’s disease. Currently, his lab is conducting experiments designed to identify the neural circuits and neurotransmitters that play a role in the personality changes that affect those who suffer from Huntington’s disease. Mark is also an award-winning teacher that uses the findings from the fields of Learning and Neuroscience to invoke enduring enthusiasm, curiosity and deep learning in his college students. 

  • Event Date

    Tuesday, August 20, 2019

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Hand pies & pizza rolls, snacks, sweets, with a a full bar and a great selection non-alcoholic drinks, coffee and tea.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required. Visit the Alberta Rose COVID safety policies page for more information.

    There are no stairs to enter the theater. There is ramp down to seating area and wheelchair space in the front.

Music and the Aging Brain: A Discussion and Concert

This event is produced in collaboration with Oregon Repertory Singers in support of their Fall concert, Shadow and Light, an Alzheimer’s Journey by Northwest composer, Joan Szymko.

Our brains undergo numerous changes that affect memory, motor, and sensory functions as we age. Many of these changes are amplified in diseases like Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. Could music limit the effects of aging and neurodegenerative diseases?

At this event, learn from Dr. Larry Sherman, a musician and Professor of Neuroscience at the Oregon Health & Science University, and singer/songwriter Naomi LaViolette as they explore how listening, practicing, and performing music influence the brain, and how these activities could impact brain aging and disease. They will also discuss Naomi’s work as a pianist, vocalist, arranger, and composer with Steven Goodwin, who suffers from Alzheimer’s, and the Saving His Music project, which has received prominent coverage in national and local news.

Join us and enjoy a multi-media presentation that combines live music and visuals with discussions about cutting edge science. The presenters will be performing live music ranging from Debussy, Leonard Cohen, and the Beatles to original pieces by Ms. LaViolette and Steven Goodwin.

  • Event Date

    Wednesday, September 4, 2019

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Hand pies & pizza rolls, snacks, sweets, with a a full bar and a great selection non-alcoholic drinks, coffee and tea.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required. Visit the Alberta Rose COVID safety policies page for more information.

    There are no stairs to enter the theater. There is ramp down to seating area and wheelchair space in the front.

The Microbiome: Fecal Transplant and Microbial Ecology

Over the past several decades, we have gained immense insight into the world of the human microbiome. The observations made using techniques like Fecal Microbiota Transplant and microbial sequencing are contributing to a new paradigm of what it means to be human. We now know we are not alone in our own bodies. We have a compilation of trillions of microbes living in and on us. They are working together with our cells as a complex ecosystem, one that defines us as a holobiont. Through the lens of the human microbiome we are challenged to approach health like we do ecology. We can begin to think about how every choice we make is interfacing with this ecosystems.

Andrea McBeth is a Naturopathic Doctor with a passion for shifting perspectives toward microbiome-centered health. Her scientific background includes a degree in biochemistry and research pursuits in various areas of molecular and cellular biology. After years working in cancer research, she left academia and the hospital to be a full-time patient advocate for a family member with cancer. That experience and her own journey of chronic pain and autoimmune disease led her to the pursue healthcare and advocacy using the tools of naturopathic medicine. As a licensed N.D. in Oregon and Washington, she focuses her clinical care on functional gastrointestinal and autoimmune issues. In conjunction with her functional medicine practice, she founded and runs a stool bank that provides Fecal Microbiota Transplant for the treatment of resistant Clostridium difficile infection as well as investigational applications for other microbiome therapies.

Through her work with Fecal Transplant and as a functional medicine physician, she believes strongly that we will need to be creative in our ways to save the microbial diversity of the human microbiome for the sake of our health. Just as climate change is ravishing the Earth’s biodiversity, so too, our microbiomes are being decimated by Western lifestyles. Standard American diets, overuse of pharmaceutical medications, beauty products, and the loss of everyday interactions with natural soil and plant microbes are all contributing to this loss. She posits that our approach to saving our health and planet will need to be as multifaceted as the ways in which we are destroying it.

This event is sponsored by:

  • Event Date

    Wednesday, September 11, 2019

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Beer, wine, popcorn, pizza slices, and snacks available.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required.

As the Crow Flies: Corvid Behavior, Play, and Funerals

Crows are everywhere: they are found on nearly every continent and thrive in human dominated environments. They have influenced art and literature throughout history, and whether they inspire love or hate, they have certainly impacted the hearts and minds of the humans who share their space. Because crows are so common, it may be easy to overlook the fact that they are very intelligent and have complex behaviors and social structures, including play, tool use, communal roosting, and being able to recognize specific humans.

Kaeli Swift, PhD, studies crows and other corvids (ravens, jays, and magpies), and will introduce and explain to us the world of these fascinating birds, including, of course, crow funerals. You can find Dr. Swift on Twitter and Instagram@corvidresearch where she talks about crows, corvids, and other wildlife and plays a weekly game called #CrowOrNo to help people learn how to correctly ID and distinguish different kinds of corvids.

  • Event Date

    Tuesday, September 17, 2019

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Hand pies & pizza rolls, snacks, sweets, with a a full bar and a great selection non-alcoholic drinks, coffee and tea.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required. Visit the Alberta Rose COVID safety policies page for more information.

    There are no stairs to enter the theater. There is ramp down to seating area and wheelchair space in the front.

Stranger than Fiction: It’s a Cruel Natural World

People across cultures have revered nature for giving life to all things and Mother Nature is often personified as nurturing, benevolent, and seeking to promote the abundance of life. But Mother Nature is not always so nice. Nature also can wreak havoc in the animal kingdom, and has evolved things such as parasites capable of mind control, cannibalistic mates, and fetuses that eat their siblings in utero. In the second installment of our Science is Stranger than Fiction series and just in time for Halloween, Leslie New, PhD, assistant professor of statistics at WSU Vancouver, will take us on a tour of some of the fascinating, horrifying, and totally natural ways that Mother Nature can be ruthless.

Leslie New, PhD is an assistant professor of statistics at WSU Vancouver. She specializes in using and developing statistical methodologies to improve the understanding, management and conservation of wildlife populations. A personal interest in the macabre keeps her exploring weird museum specimens and strange evolutionary traits in animals, while her main research on marine mammal and avian species keeps her busy on a day to day basis.

  • Event Date

    Wednesday, October 9, 2019

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Beer, wine, popcorn, pizza slices, and snacks available.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required.

Fungipedia: A Brief Compendium of Mushroom Lore

Combining ecological, ethnographic, historical, and contemporary knowledge, author and mycologist Lawrence Millman discusses how mushrooms are much more closely related to humans than to plants, how they engage in sex, how insects farm them, and how certain species happily dine on leftover radiation, cockroach antennae, and dung. He explores the lives of individuals like African American scientist George Washington Carver, who specialized in crop diseases caused by fungi; Beatrix Potter, creator of Peter Rabbit, who was prevented from becoming a professional mycologist because she was a woman; and Gordon Wasson, a J. P. Morgan vice-president who almost single-handedly introduced the world to magic mushrooms. Millman considers why fungi are among the most significant organisms on our planet and how they are currently being affected by destructive human behavior, including climate change.

Fungipedia presents a delightful A–Z treasury of mushroom lore. With more than 180 entries—on topics as varied as Alice in Wonderland, chestnut blight, medicinal mushrooms, poisonings, Santa Claus, and waxy caps—this collection will transport both general readers and specialists into the remarkable universe of fungi.  With charming drawings by artist and illustrator Amy Jean Porter, Fungipedia offers a treasure trove of scientific and cultural information.

Lawrence Millman is a mycologist and author of numerous books, including Our Like Will Not Be There AgainFascinating Fungi of New England, and At the End of the World. He has done mycological work in places as diverse as Greenland, Honduras, Iceland, Panama, the Canadian Arctic, Bermuda, and Fresh Pond in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he has documented 321 different species.

  • Event Date

    Tuesday, October 15, 2019

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Hand pies & pizza rolls, snacks, sweets, with a a full bar and a great selection non-alcoholic drinks, coffee and tea.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required. Visit the Alberta Rose COVID safety policies page for more information.

    There are no stairs to enter the theater. There is ramp down to seating area and wheelchair space in the front.

Making Memories: Using Neuroscience to Enhance Teaching and Learning

How does your brain learn best? As the field of Neuroscience uncovers the neural mechanisms of perception and learning, can we begin to bring these findings into the classroom to help improve how students learn? This Science on Tap will discuss the brain’s learning networks, their emotional connections and how the visual and motor pathways influence what we process. Join us as Dr. Mark Pitzer demonstrates of how each brain circuit can be recruited by instructors to improve teaching and learning in and out of the classroom and how neuroscience can make learning truly memorable. Mark Pitzer, Ph.D. is a Neuroscientist at the University of Portland. For the last 25 years he has worked to better understand diseases of the brain. He has worked on techniques to improve the survival of newly transplanted brain cells as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease and, more recently, conducted experiments using a genetic technique to halt the production of toxic proteins in the brain as a potential treatment for Huntington’s disease. Currently, his lab is conducting experiments designed to identify the neural circuits and neurotransmitters that play a role in the personality changes that affect those who suffer from Huntington’s disease. Mark is also an award-winning teacher that uses the findings from the fields of Learning and Neuroscience to invoke enduring enthusiasm, curiosity and deep learning in his college students.

This event is sponsored by:

  • Event Date

    Wednesday, November 13, 2019

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Beer, wine, popcorn, pizza slices, and snacks available.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required.

A Path in the Woods: How Forests Can Help Stop Climate Change

As the growing effects of climate change become clear — massive fires and floods, hotter summers, stronger hurricanes — it’s obvious that we urgently need to do something. Forest loss and degradation is globally the second largest source of CO2 emissions (after fossil fuels), but it’s the only emissions source that can reverse course and reabsorb that same CO2. Forest conservation and restoration management can sequester massive amounts of carbon and promote climate resiliency. The Pacific Northwest is home to some of the most productive and carbon-rich forests on the planet, and changing how we manage these and other forests is key to ensuring a safe future.

At this Science on Tap we will hear from Laurie Wayburn, Co-Founder and CEO of the Pacific Forest Trust, who will discuss the immediate imperative— and opportunity— for forest conservation and restoration here at home as a climate solution. This cost effective strategy also has multiple benefits for water, wildlife habitat, human health, and jobs. Come learn about the unique role of forests and other land conservation efforts in as an essential climate strategy and how you can get involved to make positive change.

  • Event Date

    Tuesday, November 19, 2019

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Hand pies & pizza rolls, snacks, sweets, with a a full bar and a great selection non-alcoholic drinks, coffee and tea.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required. Visit the Alberta Rose COVID safety policies page for more information.

    There are no stairs to enter the theater. There is ramp down to seating area and wheelchair space in the front.

Using Neuroscience to Fight Racism

Racism is a system in which people are treated a particular way based on their race. Racism exists because of racial prejudice, where we make judgements about people based entirely on their race and not on actual experience. Our brains react to people who are different from us within milliseconds. At this Science on Tap, Dr. Larry Sherman, a Professor of Neuroscience, will explore how our brains engage in prejudice, the consequences of prejudice and racism for both racists and people who experience racism in their daily lives, and how understanding these processes suggest ways that we can overcome prejudice and racism in our society.

Larry Sherman is a Professor in the Department of Cell, Developmental and Cancer Biology and in the Neuroscience Graduate Program at the Oregon Health & Science University. He is also the President of the Oregon and Southwest Washington Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience. He has over 90 publications related to brain development and neurological diseases. He serves on numerous US and international scientific review panels and he has made numerous television appearances, discussing various topics related to neuroscience. He has also given hugely popular talks and performances (including playing the piano) around the globe on topics that include music and the brain, the neuroscience of pleasure and love, and the neuroscience of racism. The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry and Portland Monthly Magazine recognized Dr. Sherman as one of the “People who are changing our world”. He was also the 2012 Teacher of the Year at the Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine.

This event is sponsored by:

  • Event Date

    Wednesday, December 4, 2019

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Beer, wine, popcorn, pizza slices, and snacks available.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required.

Coming to a Fault Near You: Planning for Cascadia Earthquakes

The Pacific Northwest is due for a major earthquake along the Cascadia Subduction Zone, and a magnitude 9 Cascadia earthquake and tsunami would likely produce an unprecedented catastrophe much larger than any disaster the Pacific Northwest, or the nation, has ever faced. Portland isn’t ready, and significant preparation is needed to safeguard communities, businesses, and people. There are lessons to be learned from several recent earthquakes around the world including Chile, Japan, New Zealand, and Mexico. At this Science on Tap, Allison Pyrch, a local geotechnical engineer, will discuss Portland’s earthquake setting, what similar quakes can tell us about what to expect from a Cascadia earthquake, and how the Pacific Northwest is preparing for “the really big one”.

Allison Pyrch is a geotechnical engineer whose experience includes site specific seismic design for buildings, roads, bridges, dock and port structures, large embankments, slopes and landslides, and water and wastewater infrastructure. Recognized as American Society of Civil Engineer’s 2018 Oregon/SW Washington Engineer of the Year, she has travelled to Chile, Japan, and Mexico after their recent subduction zone earthquakes and tsunamis to study the effects on lifelines.  Allison was also featured prominently in the awards-winning OPB documentary Unprepared, as well as the Al Jazeera program TechKnow.

  • Event Date

    Tuesday, December 10, 2019

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Hand pies & pizza rolls, snacks, sweets, with a a full bar and a great selection non-alcoholic drinks, coffee and tea.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required. Visit the Alberta Rose COVID safety policies page for more information.

    There are no stairs to enter the theater. There is ramp down to seating area and wheelchair space in the front.

What’s in Your Snowpack? Snow, Water, and Crowdsourcing Science

Snow is an essential part of our water resources here in the Pacific Northwest and in other mountain environments. Snowpack stores water and slowly releases it to downstream locations in the springtime, and stream ecology, agriculture, and thirsty people all benefit. And let’s not forget the incredible recreational resource that snow provides to the Pacific Northwest before it melts. Understanding the distribution and evolution of our snowpack is therefore important but can be difficult for many reasons: it’s cold, the days are short, and it’s hard to get to it. At this Science on Tap, David Hill will discuss some of the ways in which we observe and study snow, and he will introduce ways that YOU can help collect scientific data on snow depth for NASA by getting involved with citizen science. Wax your boards, tune your edges, and help improve what we know about the snow.

David Hill is a professor at Oregon State University and a National Geographic Explorer. For over 25 years, he has studied how water behaves as it travels from mountain headwaters to coastal environments. He currently co-leads the Community Snow Observations project, one of six citizen science projects funded by NASA to improve understanding of our physical environment. Hill has recently been an Erskine Fellow at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. No matter the hemisphere, if it’s spring, you’ll find him out surveying the snow between mountain summit and trailhead.

This event is sponsored by:

  • Event Date

    Wednesday, January 8, 2020

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Beer, wine, popcorn, pizza slices, and snacks available.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required.

Friendship: The Evolution, Biology, and Extraordinary Power of Life’s Fundamental Bond

The phenomenon of friendship is universal and elemental. Friends, after all, are the family we choose. But what makes these bonds not just pleasant but essential, and how do they affect our bodies and our minds?

At this Science on Tap science journalist Lydia Denworth talks about her new book where she takes us to the front lines of the science of friendship in search of its biological, psychological, and evolutionary foundations. Finding it to be as old as life on the African savannas, she also discovers that friendship is reflected in our brain waves, detectable in our genomes, and capable of strengthening our cardiovascular and immune systems. Its opposite, loneliness, can kill. As a result, social connection is finally being recognized as critical to our physical and emotional well-being. Learn about field biology and cutting-edge neuroscience that shows how our bodies and minds are designed to make friends, the process by which social bonds develop, and how a drive for friendship underpins human (and nonhuman) society. Join us for a refreshingly optimistic vision of the evolution of human nature just in time for Valentine’s Day.

Lydia Denworth is a Brooklyn-based science journalist whose work is supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. A contributing writer for Scientific American and Psychology Today, she has also written for the Atlantic and the New York Times.

This event is sponsored by:

  • Event Date

    Wednesday, February 12, 2020

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Beer, wine, popcorn, pizza slices, and snacks available.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required.

Cosmic Revolution: What Happened Before the Big Bang?

Until about a hundred years ago scientists thought that the Milky Way galaxy was the entirety of the Universe and didn’t know that there were any galaxies out there beyond our own. When we finally discovered that other galaxies did exist, it revealed a Universe that was expanding, getting less dense, and was cooling. By working backwards, they hypothesized that the Universe was denser and hotter in the past. If you make a naive extrapolation, you can go all the way back to a singularity that they called the Big Bang where all the matter and energy collects into a single point. But was that really the beginning of the Universe?

In the 1980s a new theory came along that attempted to challenge the idea that the singularity was the start of everything, and we’ve spent the last 30 years testing it. At last, the verdict is in, and we now know what came before the Big Bang. At this Science on Tap, hear theoretical physicist and author Ethan Siegel, PhD, talk about how the greatest cosmic revolution just got even greater.Ethan Siegel was born in New York, majored in three different things as an undergrad, and got his Ph.D. in theoretical physics. After postdoctoral research focusing on dark matter and cosmic structure formation, he became a physics professor and a professional science communicator. The communication was more fun, so now he writes and speaks full-time, including for Forbes, and NASA. His blog, Starts With A Bang, was voted the #1 science blog on the internet by the Institute of Physics, and, separately, by Real Clear Science. He has written Beyond the Galaxy and Treknology.

  • Event Date

    Wednesday, February 19, 2020

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Hand pies & pizza rolls, snacks, sweets, with a a full bar and a great selection non-alcoholic drinks, coffee and tea.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required. Visit the Alberta Rose COVID safety policies page for more information.

    There are no stairs to enter the theater. There is ramp down to seating area and wheelchair space in the front.

Your Brain on Pleasure and In Love: A Discussion and Concert

Listening to beautiful music, falling in love and eating really good chocolate create intense feelings of pleasure – but why? At this special musical Science on Tap, OHSU neuroscientist Larry Sherman, Ph.D. will be joined by singer, songwriter and pianist Naomi LaViolette to present a fascinating multi-media discussion and concert on how the brain experiences pleasure. Diving into exciting new research – including what happens to the brain when love goes awry – and what we can learn from the monogamous prairie vole, Dr. Sherman mixes music, humor and neuroscience for an unforgettable, educational evening.

  • Event Date

    Monday, February 24, 2020

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Available Food & Drink

    Hand pies & pizza rolls, snacks, sweets, with a a full bar and a great selection non-alcoholic drinks, coffee and tea.
  • Accessibility Information

    Vaccine cards required at Science on Tap events. Masks are highly recommended, but not required. Visit the Alberta Rose COVID safety policies page for more information.

    There are no stairs to enter the theater. There is ramp down to seating area and wheelchair space in the front.

As the Crow Flies: Corvid Behavior, Play, and Funerals

Crows are everywhere: they are found on nearly every continent and thrive in human dominated environments. They have influenced art and literature throughout history, and whether they inspire love or hate, they have certainly impacted the hearts and minds of the humans who share their space. Because crows are so common, it may be easy to overlook the fact that they are very intelligent and have complex behaviors and social structures, including play, tool use, communal roosting, and being able to recognize specific humans.

Kaeli Swift, PhD, studies crows and other corvids (ravens, jays, and magpies), and will introduce and explain to us the world of these fascinating birds, including, of course, crow funerals. You can find Dr. Swift on Twitter and Instagram@corvidresearch where she talks about crows, corvids, and other wildlife and plays a weekly game called #CrowOrNo to help people learn how to correctly ID and distinguish different kinds of corvids.

  • Event Date

    Tuesday, March 3, 2020

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Venue

    Aladdin Theater

Cosmic Revolution: What Happened Before the Big Bang?

Until about a hundred years ago scientists thought that the Milky Way galaxy was the entirety of the Universe and didn’t know that there were any galaxies out there beyond our own. When we finally discovered that other galaxies did exist, it revealed a Universe that was expanding, getting less dense, and was cooling. By working backwards, they hypothesized that the Universe was denser and hotter in the past. If you make a naive extrapolation, you can go all the way back to a singularity that they called the Big Bang where all the matter and energy collects into a single point. But was that really the beginning of the Universe?

In the 1980s a new theory came along that attempted to challenge the idea that the singularity was the start of everything, and we’ve spent the last 30 years testing it. At last, the verdict is in, and we now know what came before the Big Bang. At this Science on Tap, hear theoretical physicist and author Ethan Siegel, PhD, talk about how the greatest cosmic revolution just got even greater.

Ethan Siegel was born in New York, majored in three different things as an undergrad, and got his Ph.D. in theoretical physics. After postdoctoral research focusing on dark matter and cosmic structure formation, he became a physics professor and a professional science communicator. The communication was more fun, so now he writes and speaks full-time, including for Forbes, and NASA. His blog, Starts With A Bang, was voted the #1 science blog on the internet by the Institute of Physics, and, separately, by Real Clear Science. He has written Beyond the Galaxy and Treknology.

This event is sponsored by:

  • Event Date

    Wednesday, March 11, 2020

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Venue

    Kiggins Theatre

Music and the Anxious Brain: An Online Presentation and Concert

See a recording of this event on our Facebook video page or YouTube channel.

Our inaugural event will feature neuroscientist Dr. Larry Sherman talking about how playing, composing, and listening to music can help us get through these uncertain times. Join us as he discusses how the brain processes music, and reviews studies (with demonstrations!) on how music can influence anxiety and social connectivity. Have a drum or something to bang on at hand to play along!

  • Event Date

    Thursday, April 9, 2020

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Venue


  • Location

    This event will take place in a Zoom Webinar. Attendees will be able to participate in the chat and submit questions for the live online Q&A with the speaker.

    Attendees will not be visible or audible during the event.

  • Available Food & Drink

    Grab an (adult) beverage of your choice and join us!

Oxytocin: The Science Behind The Most Sensationalized Hormone

See a recording of this event on our Facebook video page or YouTube channel.

It’s been called the love-hormone, the hug-hormone, and the cuddle-hormone, but just what IS oxytocin and what does it do to us? At this special online event join Dr. Randi Hutter Epstein on a journey deep into the brain as she unravels the fascinating science of oxytocin. She will talk about how the hormone is tied to social behaviors but also to lactation and childbirth, and she will distinguish the real scientific discoveries from the hoaxes. Listen as she travels back in time to meet some of the hormone’s earliest discoverers, and you’ll come away acquainted with eccentric brilliant investigators, conniving hucksters, and a few oxytocin-bonded loving mountain moles.

Dr. Randi Hutter Epstein is a lecturer at Yale University and the author of Aroused: The History of Hormones and How They Control Just About Everything. Hear her talk about her book on our podcast, A Scientist Walks Into A Bar.

  • Event Date

    Thursday, April 16, 2020

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Venue


  • Location

    This event will take place in a Zoom Webinar. Attendees will be able to participate in the chat and submit questions for the live online Q&A with the speaker.

    Attendees will not be visible or audible during the event.

  • Available Food & Drink

    Grab an (adult) beverage of your choice and join us!

Delicious Data: Using Flavor Science to Develop your Palate

See a recording of this event on our Facebook video page or YouTube channel.

Have you ever tried to describe how something tastes but didn’t quite have the words? How would you like to sample and describe flavor like a professional? At this tasty Science on Tap, Lindsay Barr, Co-Founder of DraughtLab will break down the science of how we experience flavor so you can gain insight into what you perceive and why. Learn about the tools professionals use to hone their skills and how you can apply them to enhance your everyday experiences with the foods and beverages you consume.

JOIN US FOR A REAL-TIME TASTING! We’re trying something new so if you’d like to play along at home, purchase the following items and have them with you on the night of the Science on Tap Online event. Lindsay will describe what to look for as you taste them and how to pay attention to different sensations.
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Fat Tire Amber Ale
GT Synergy Trilogy Kombucha


NOTE: You can still attend the event and learn a lot even if you don’t download the app or if you’re not joining in the tasting. Please follow your local laws regarding alcohol purchase age and requirements.

  • Event Date

    Thursday, June 25, 2020

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • End Time

    8:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Venue


  • Location

    This event will take place in a Zoom Webinar. Attendees will be able to participate in the chat and submit questions for the live online Q&A with the speaker.

    Attendees will not be visible or audible during the event.

    Register for Zoom event.

  • Available Food & Drink

    Grab an (adult) beverage of your choice and join us!
  • Find this event on

The Alchemy of Us: How Humans and Matter Transformed One Another

See a recording of this event on our Facebook video page or YouTube channel.

People used to wonder whether all four of a horse’s legs left the ground as it ran. The invention of photography answered that question, but people had no idea just how that invention would change the way we see ourselves as humans. People create inventions to fill a need, but in return those inventions have shaped lives, nations, and diverse communities.

Join us for a presentation by Dr. Ainissa Ramirez, a materials scientist and author of The Alchemy of Us: How Humans and Matter Transformed One Another. This book examines eight inventions—clocks, steel rails, copper communication cables, photographic film, light bulbs, hard disks, scientific labware, and silicon chips—and reveals how they shaped the human experience.

Filling in the gaps left by other books about technology, Ramirez showcases little-known inventors—particularly people of color and women—who had a significant impact but whose accomplishments have been hidden by mythmaking, bias, and convention. Doing so, she shows us the power of telling inclusive stories about technology.

Here are some suggestions for how to buy the book (that don’t involve Amazon)!

  • Event Date

    Thursday, May 21, 2020

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • End Time

    8:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Venue


  • Location

    This event will take place in a Zoom Webinar. Attendees will be able to participate in the chat and submit questions for the live online Q&A with the speaker.

    Attendees will not be visible or audible during the event.

    Register for Zoom event.

  • Available Food & Drink

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Land of Wondrous Cold: The Race to Discover Antarctica and Unlock the Secrets of Its Ice

See a recording of this event on our Facebook video page or YouTube channel.

Antarctica, the ice kingdom hosting the South Pole, looms large in the human imagination. The secrets of this vast frozen desert have long tempted explorers, but its brutal climate and glacial shores notoriously resist human intrusion. Land of Wondrous Cold tells a gripping story of the pioneering nineteenth-century voyages, when British, French, and American commanders raced to penetrate Antarctica’s glacial rim for unknown lands beyond. Today, the white continent poses new challenges, as scientists race to uncover Earth’s climate history, which is recorded in the south polar ice and ocean floor, and to monitor the increasing instability of the Antarctic ice cap, which threatens to inundate coastal cities worldwide.

At this online Science on Tap we’ll be joined by Gillen D’Arcy Wood, author and Associate Director of Education at the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He will interweave the breakthrough research of the modern Ocean Drilling Program with the dramatic discovery tales of their Victorian forerunners, and will describe Antarctica’s role in a planetary drama of plate tectonics, climate change, and species evolution stretching back more than thirty million years. An original, multifaceted portrait of the polar continent emerges, illuminating our profound connection to Antarctica in its past, present, and future incarnations.

Get a 20% discount and free shipping on your copy of Land of Wondrous Cold when you purchase your book through the Princeton University Press website and use the code LOWC-FG at checkout. (Note: The coupon code is ONLY valid on the Princeton site.)

  • Event Date

    Thursday, June 11, 2020

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • End Time

    8:00 pm Pacific

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    This event will take place in a Zoom Webinar. Attendees will be able to participate in the chat and submit questions for the live online Q&A with the speaker.

    Attendees will not be visible or audible during the event.

    Register for Zoom event.

  • Available Food & Drink

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Booze, Booch, Bread, and Brine: The Science of Fermentation

See a recording of this event on our Facebook video page or YouTube channel.

With social media feeds full of homemade bread, homebrew, and pickling, people seem to be embracing fermentation like never before. In this tasty Science on Tap Online event hear from geneticist Dr. Kevin McCabe, former Quality Manager for Full Sail Brewing and co-creator of KYLA Hard Kombucha as he explains the science behind some of our favorite foods and beverages. Kevin will introduce the biochemistry of fermentation, the microbes involved, and the similarities and differences of how cider, wine, beer, distilled spirits, bread, kombucha, and pickles all rely on fermentation.

Want a taste of one of Kevin’s earlier Science on Tap talks? Search for A Scientist Walks Into A Bar in your favorite podcast app and look for Episode 13 for his talk on Evolution Under the Influence: Alcohol and the Coevolution of Humans and Yeast.

  • Event Date

    Thursday, June 4, 2020

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • End Time

    8:00 pm Pacific

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  • Location

    This event will take place in a Zoom Webinar. Attendees will be able to participate in the chat and submit questions for the live online Q&A with the speaker.

    Attendees will not be visible or audible during the event.

    Register for Zoom event.

  • Available Food & Drink

    Grab an (adult) beverage of your choice and join us!
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The Nutshell Studies and the Mother of Modern Forensics

See a recording of this event on our Facebook video page or YouTube channel.

Frances Glessner Lee was supposed to spend her life as an heiress and socialite. Born in 1878 into a wealthy Chicago family, she was never meant to have a career, let alone one steeped in death and depravity. Yet she developed a fascination with the investigation of violent crimes and made it her life’s work. She is best known for creating the Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death, a series of dollhouses with macabre details: an overturned chair, a blood-spattered comforter, bodies splayed out on the floor or draped over chairs, and all clothed in hand-sewn garments, some of which Lee lovingly knit with sewing pins. These miniatures were used to train law enforcement officers to investigate violent crimes, and her methods are still used today.

At this Science on Tap, Lee’s official biographer Bruce Goldfarb will talk about his book 18 Tiny Deaths: The Untold Story of Frances Glessner Lee and the Invention of Modern Forensics. He will delve into Lee’s journey from a grandmother without a college degree to being a pioneer in the scientific study of unexpected death. Learn how she used the traditional “women’s work” such as sewing to improve the male-dominated profession of police work, and how she revolutionized forensic investigation.

  • Event Date

    Thursday, June 18, 2020

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • End Time

    8:15 pm Pacific

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  • Venue


  • Location

    This event will take place in a Zoom Webinar. Attendees will be able to participate in the chat and submit questions for the live online Q&A with the speaker.

    Attendees will not be visible or audible during the event.

    Register for Zoom event.

  • Available Food & Drink

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When Facts Are Not Enough: Public Perception of Science

See a recording of this event on our Facebook video page orYouTube channel.

From the current coronavirus outbreak to climate change to brewing better beer, science touches every aspect of our society. While trust in science is high, often people pick and choose the science they wish to believe and simply providing more information is not enough to change minds or impact behavior. Join us for this Science on Tap online presentation with Dr. Allison Coffin who will explore the intersection between science, communication, and storytelling to increase the impact of science in society.

Dr. Coffin is an Associate Professor of Neuroscience at WSU Vancouver and the president of Science Talk.

  • Event Date

    Thursday, May 7, 2020

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • End Time

    9:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Venue


  • Location

    This event will take place in a Zoom Webinar. Attendees will be able to participate in the chat and submit questions for the live online Q&A with the speaker.

    Attendees will not be visible or audible during the event.

    Register for Zoom event.

  • Available Food & Drink

    Grab an (adult) beverage of your choice and join us!
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High Anxiety: The Gut Microbiota’s Effect on Mental Health

See a recording of this event on our Facebook video page or YouTube channel.

What do the gut and the brain talk about? Our gut microbiome is filled with yeasts and bacteria that help digest food, but also have shown to be associated with central nervous system function. The gut-brain axis involves links between the central nervous system and the intestinal tract, including the microbes that live there. Disturbances to the normal gut microbiota have been linked to causing several mental illnesses, including anxiety.

At this livestream Science on Tap, Dr. Lisa Sardinia, associate professor of biology at Pacific University, will explain what the microbiome is, and how those experiencing anxiety symptoms might be helped by regulating the microorganisms in their gut with diet (probiotics, non-probiotic foods, and supplements).

  • Event Date

    Thursday, May 14, 2020

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • End Time

    8:00 pm Pacific

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  • Venue


  • Location

    This event will take place in a Zoom Webinar. Attendees will be able to participate in the chat and submit questions for the live online Q&A with the speaker.

    Attendees will not be visible or audible during the event.

    Register for Zoom event.

  • Available Food & Drink

    Grab an (adult) beverage of your choice and join us!
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Hope Is The Thing With Feathers: Finding Joy In Birds

See a recording of this event on our Facebook video page or YouTube channel.

In these times of cancelled classes and events it’s comforting to know that some things haven’t changed. While we stay safe at home, bird migration continues just outside our windows.

At this special online Science on Tap we’ll be joined by Dr. Nicole Michel, a Senior Quantitative Ecologist with the National Audubon Society’s Science Division. She will tell us about birds you can see in your neighborhood or local park and how you can attract more birds to your yard. We’ll follow the adventures of individual birds as they travel between breeding and wintering locations, and face threats along the way. You’ll discover how advanced technology – machine learning, space stations, and more – lets us delve deeper into the wonders of bird migration. Finally, you’ll leave with ideas for what you can do to help protect the birds we love.

  • Event Date

    Thursday, April 23, 2020

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Venue


  • Location

    This event will take place in a Zoom Webinar. Attendees will be able to participate in the chat and submit questions for the live online Q&A with the speaker.

    Attendees will not be visible or audible during the event.

  • Available Food & Drink

    Grab an (adult) beverage of your choice and join us!

Looking For Love in Virtual Places: The Science of Online Dating

See a recording of this event on our Facebook video page or YouTube channel.

Even during times of social distancing, the desire to meet and connect with new potential partners can be strong. Since in-person activities to meet new people are out of the question for now, online dating sites can be even more important when looking for a match*. What can science tell us about using Tinder “smartly”? Do dating sites help or hinder finding a mate?

Join sexuality educator and researcher Dr. L. Kris Gowen as she goes deep into the psychology of online dating to discuss why it’s so popular, whether or not it’s effective, and how its design impacts who we choose.

Dr. Kris, Co-founder of Beyond the Talk has presented internationally on the intersection of sex, love, and technology. Hear her previous talk on finding love through technology on our podcast, A Scientist Walks into a Bar.

*to meet in person only after social distancing restrictions have been eased.

  • Event Date

    Thursday, April 30, 2020

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • End Time

    8:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Venue


  • Location

    This event will take place in a Zoom Webinar. Attendees will be able to participate in the chat and submit questions for the live online Q&A with the speaker.

    Attendees will not be visible or audible during the event.

  • Available Food & Drink

    Grab an (adult) beverage of your choice and join us!

Alien Oceans: The Search for Life in the Depths of Space

See a recording of this event on our Facebook video page or YouTube channel.

Where is the best place to find life beyond Earth? We often look to Mars as the most promising site in our solar system, but recent scientific missions have revealed that some of the most habitable real estate may actually lie farther away. Beneath the frozen crusts of several of the small, ice-covered moons of Jupiter and Saturn lurk vast oceans that may have been in existence for as long as Earth, and together may contain more than fifty times its total volume of liquid water. Could there be organisms living in their depths? Kevin Peter Hand’s book Alien Oceans: The Search for Life in the Depths of Space reveals the science behind the thrilling quest to find out.

Kevin Peter Hand is one of today’s leading NASA scientists, and his pioneering research has taken him on expeditions around the world. At this special online Science on Tap, he will bring together insights from planetary science, biology, and the adventures of scientists like himself to explain how we know that oceans exist within moons of the outer solar system, like Europa, Titan, and Enceladus. He’ll discuss how the exploration of Earth’s ocean is informing our understanding of the potential habitability of these icy moons, and draws lessons from what we have learned about the origins of life on our own planet to consider how life could arise on these distant worlds.

Two suggestions for purchasing the book Alien Oceans:
1) Support a local Vancouver small business and purchase your book through Vintage Books. They are offering online sales, shipping, and curbside pickup.

2) Purchase your book through the Princeton University Press website and receive a 20% discount by using the code HAND20-FG at checkout. (Note: The coupon code is ONLY valid on the Princeton site.)

  • Event Date

    Thursday, May 28, 2020

  • Start Time

    7:00 pm Pacific

  • End Time

    8:00 pm Pacific

  • Tickets

  • Venue


  • Location

    This event will take place in a Zoom Webinar. Attendees will be able to participate in the chat and submit questions for the live online Q&A with the speaker.

    Attendees will not be visible or audible during the event.

    Register for Zoom event.

  • Available Food & Drink

    Grab an (adult) beverage of your choice and join us!
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